Annual Retreat 

Nov. 7-10, 2024

Realizing the Path 

One Step at a Time

A Return to the Foundation Practices of 

True Presence and Understanding

A Letter from Michael Ciborski, Dharma Teacher

Dear Friends, please don’t forget how beautiful and powerful you are! Each moment of each day is an opportunity to realize the beauty and wonder of life. It starts with such simple things, like breathing, walking, listening, looking, and learning. Breath by breath, step by step, the stress settles, the heart opens, and through mindful awareness, nourishment and healing unfurl their wings.

In order to live in an awakened way, we cannot simply go along with the masses on the path of forgetfulness. We need to make a fundamental shift. This shift is only possible when we truly slow down, stop running, and look at each moment with eyes of clear seeing and a heart of true caring. When one steps onto the path of practice, one no longer goes in the same direction as others do, or as old habit energies dictate.

With this year’s retreat, we will come together to reconnect with foundational practices and renew our deep aspirations to live and share our awakening and compassion.

About the Teacher

Michael Ciborski (Dharma name Chan Trung Dao, "True Middle Way") is a lineage holding Dharma teacher in the tradition of the Venerable Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. He lived as a monk for seven years in Plum Village, France, and has worked intimately with Thich Nhat Hanh and the monastic community to organize, support and offer meditation retreats around the world. A skilled musician, he studied voice training and chanting of several European and Asian traditions and served for several years as an English language chant master in the monastery. He lives now in New Hampshire with his wife and children, where they are building a residential mindfulness practice community and education center for sustainable living.


Retreat Format

This 4-day residential retreat is from November 7th-10th and is designed for both beginning and experienced practitioners. Activities include: 

Periods of noble silence will deepen and enrich the experience by allowing time for personal reflection.

Located at American Bodhi Center 

The American Bodhi Center is a beautiful rural sanctuary on 500 acres just north of Hempstead, Texas. There are beautiful grounds to enjoy, two dormitories, a library/meditation hall, and a dining hall. Please note that smoking is not allowed on the ABC campus.

Accommodations and Rates

There are separate dormitories for women and men**, and each have a variety of room types: 

For Women Only: 

Room requests will be filled on a first come, first serve basis.  If you are requesting a particular roommate or roommates, please note this on your registration. Mattress covers are provided, but you will need to bring your own sheets, pillows, and blankets. 

**We welcome people of all gender identities and strive to be as inclusive as possible. However, due to limitations of the facility, we are unable to offer non-gender specific housing at this time. We hope everyone is still able to attend, and aspire to continue addressing this topic in the future.

Payment Information & Deadlines


Through the generosity of the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation, we have the ability to offer a small number of partial and full scholarships. If requesting a scholarship, please first complete the registration form below and then proceed to complete the Scholarship Application here.  Priority deadline is September 1, 2024. If funds remain after the first round of scholarships are granted, we will continue to accept applications until the final deadline on October 1.  Please note that scholarship recipients are eligible only for a dorm room or cubicle housing (with shared bath). You will be notified of our ability to meet your request by October 7th. 


Vegetarian meals are included in the price of the retreat beginning with dinner Thursday evening. We regret that we are unable to fill other special dietary requests. 


The Buddhist teachings are considered priceless, and teachers do not charge for their services. Dana is the practice of giving. It manifests the fundamental interconnectedness of life and is a way for us to support the life and work of the teacher. There will be an opportunity to make a donation to Michael with your registration or at the retreat. Donations often range from $80-$150 for a four day retreat, but please consider your own financial situation. We are grateful for whatever you are able to give. 


Check-in will be from 4:00 – 6:00 PM on Thursday November 7. Please note that the gates to the center are usually locked at 7:00 PM. If you will arrive later than this please inform us ahead of time. The retreat will end after lunch on Sunday November 10.


For retreat-related questions, contact

STEP 1: Complete Online Registration Form

Registration is now closed. If you would like to be on the waitlist please write to Retreat Waitlist and we will notify you if a space opens up. 

STEP 2: Complete Online Payment if Already Registered 

Note: Registration is now full. Email to be placed on a waitlist. 

Dorm Room ($380)

Shared bath down the hall

 Private Cubicle ($380)

Shared bath down the hall

Double Room ($440)

Private bath

Single Rooms full, please register for another room and send an email to be put on the waitlist. 

STEP 3: Donation for Michael Ciborski (optional)

Option to make an online donation to Michael. There will also be an opportunity to make a donation at the retreat. Donations often range from $80-$150 for a four day retreat, but please consider your own financial situation and an amount that feels comfortable for you. We are grateful for whatever you are able to give.