Michael Ciborski Talks

Michael Ciborski Dharma Talks

Michael Ciborski is a Dharma teacher in the Plum Village tradition and student of Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh. He was ordained as a monk for seven years at Plum Village Monastery, France where he practiced mindfulness and organized retreats for lay practitioners around the world. After leaving the monastery in 2003, Michael returned to the US and along with his wife Fern, established a spiritual community and practice center in Southern New Hampshire known as MorningSun. Present day, he offers many mindfulness workshops and retreats around the country. 

Michael Ciborski has been the MPCH Dharma teacher for years, offering virtual Dharma talks throughout the year and coming in person to our Fall Retreat. Below are recordings of his Dharma Talks, available in both audio and video format.

2024 Dharma Talk Series 

Realizing the Path, One Step at a Time: A return to the foundational practices of true presence and understanding

2024_02_18 Michael Ciborski Dharma Talk (Video).mp4

Talk #1: February 18, 2024 

Back to the Basics

2024_04_21 Michael Ciborski Dharma Talk (Video).mp4

Talk #2: April 21, 2024 

Nourishing and Protecting Peace

2024-07-21 Michael Ciborski Dharma Talk (Video) edited.mp4

Talk #3: July 21, 2024 

Taking Care of Suffering

2024-09-15 Michael Ciborski Dharma Talk (Video) edited.mp4

Talk #4: September 15, 2024 

The Path of the Noble Ones

Michael's Talks from the 2024 Fall Retreat 

Houston Retreat 2024 Talk 1 (orientation).mp3

Talk 1: Welcome and Orientation

In every moment of your waking life, our mental attention is somewhere. 


Houston Retreat 2024 Talk 2.mp3

Talk 2:  Four Establishments of Mindfulness

I see you there, and I am so happy!

By bringing awareness to my body, feelings and mind I create space to be in connection and relationship with the world.  

Houston Retreat 2024 Talk 3.mp3

Talk 3: Cooling the Flames

You have inside you mountains, you have within you ancient trees with deep roots that  are touched when you breathe in and out. 

We're including in the experience our mindfulness, our clarity, our intention to not just follow the anguish, but to offer the clear, strong, loving embrace of the practice. This is trusting in the Dharma.

1:01:20 Refuge Chant

Houston Retreat 2024 5MT Presentation.mp3

Five Mindfulness Trainings

For thousands of years people have gone before us, working these in their own lives, in their own context and relationships. I can lean on that. It has been tested. 

Each of the five MT's has a very clear expression of the four Noble Truths. There is this suffering, these are it's causes, and here are ways  that we can approach this to relieve that suffering. 

Houston Retreat 2024 Selective Seed Watering.mp3

Selective Seed Watering

When you nourish seeds they grow, and there is never a moment in your daily life when they are not being watered. 

Looking carefully, we cultivate understanding of the seeds we have within us in order to transform our experience. This is supported by continuous, daily practice of mindfulness. 

Houston Retreat 2024 Talk 4.mp3

Shining a Light on Suffering 

There is a place with no separation between us and the suffering, between us and the happiness, between us and each other... and yet we are not swirled around in the turmoil of it. There is light, there is clarity, there is presence.